Level 2 Health and Safety in the workplace

This is an excellent introduction to health and safety in the workplace and will benefit all employees.

Course Summary

This is an excellent introduction to health and safety in the workplace and will benefit all employees, particularly those accepting a health and safety role, such as a safety representative within their organisation. Successful candidates will be awarded a national Level 2 qualification to provide an ideal platform for higher-level training or career development.

This course will teach students the correct ways to keep safe at work and help keep others safe to ensure that all individuals are at less risk of harm in the workplace.


Enquire for price


1 Day.


de Carteret House, 7 Castle Street, St Helier, JE2 3BT. This course is also available via distance learning.


  • The roles and responsibilities for health, safety and welfare in the workplace
  • The value and process of risk assessments
  • The identification and control of workplace hazards
  • How to respond to workplace incidents and accidents


A national Level 2 Health and Safety in the workplace certificate will be issued to students and will have lifetime validity. Lifeline Training would request that this course is updated annually to keep up with the changes that will occur over time.


The instructor’s ongoing assessment culminated with a multiple-choice question paper.


A minimum of 8 students and a maximum of 12 students can attend this course. The minimum age for enrolling on this course is 16 years old.


Did You Know?

  • ‘Estimated 4,500,000 working days were lost due to workplace injuries in the UK relating to poorly maintained Health & Safety.’
  • ‘One work related injury happens once every 7 seconds in the UK’
  • Heat-related incidents resulted in nearly 9 million injuries and more than 120,000 deaths worldwide in 2017, according to a new scientific study.’
  • ‘In 2018/2019, RIDDOR data shows there were 69,208 company-reported non-fatal workplace injuries to employees in Great Britain, and Labour Force Survey (LFS) data reports another 581,000 self-reported injuries The total number of incidents were: 650,208 workplace injuries for the year.’